What to do with Cubiks?
To dream up
Cube Size (mm)
Cube Size (mm)
Cube Size (mm)
Cube Size (mm)
225 X 225 X 127,5
To construct
How to assemble cubes from panels
How to connect cubes using clips
How to disassemble a cube
How to attach the wheels to the cube?
How to construct long spans?
How to assemble cubes from panels
Assembling a cube from 6 panels is quick and simple. The panels are securely connected using durable locking joints.

Once the sixth panel is in place, the cube becomes extremely strong and can only be disassembled using a special tool.
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How to connect cubes using clips
We use a simple yet strong locking mechanism called a "clip."

The clip is inserted into specially designed slots in the cubes, securely fastening them together.
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How to disassemble a cube
To disassemble the cube, insert a flat screwdriver or chisel between the panels at the locking side and gently apply pressure to release the lock.

Once two locks are disconnected, you can remove the panel by tapping it with your fingers and pulling it upward. Be cautious, as the cube's structure is very strong, and improper handling could cause damage.
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how to attach the wheels to the cube?
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Insert the wheel into a special hole in the face of the cube, then tighten the nut on the back of the face.

After inserting the required number of wheels, assemble the cube.
how to construct long spans?
To create long structures from cubes, first assemble the cubes, then connect them to each other on the floor. When your long structure is ready, you need to thread a special stud or cable through the technical hole in the corner of the face through all the cubes and secure it with bolts at the first and last cubes.
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